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Myself Robin Gupta Director @ robingupta.comm, A leading seo services provider company. robingupta.comm was founded in 2007 with a vision of providing a comprehensive & well balanced Services, We have more than 350+ clients and still counting. We have helped thousands of websites into gaining their true potential. Our clients include many top companies from US, UK, Australia, Canada, Germany, Italy and Many European Countries. Currently we owns more than 1500 Websites.
- Robin GuptaSEO Services
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Google Penguin
Comprehensive Guide to Building Quality Links to Withstand Google’s Panda and Penguin Updates
Google has become more stringent on the web owners about ranking the websites. It has come up with various updates on improving the quality. The major effective updates are panda and penguin. While Panda puts more emphasis on the quality of content, Penguin has given an alert to the web owners who used a lot of links to get traffic on their sites and the low quality links are considered
Google Panda/Penguin Update: How And Why This Update is a Blessing to SEO Seekers & Providers
Google keeps changing its ranking algorithms to remove the spamming, weak websites from the first pages and rank the best and genuine websites. The latest Google’s Panda update has resulted in lowering the rank of sites which were marketed using black hat SEO. Below mentioned are some of the key points which elaborate how Google’s update is good for SEO: The importance of authority The major reason why Google’s algorithm
Understanding the link building after Google’s penguin update – Naked Url?
Many web owners have faced a lot of issues due to the penguin update of Google. If you are one of them and looking for the best answer then you have to do a complete research. The webmasters have stopped participating in the blog networks and gotten rid of keywords stuffing on the content on the site after this update has hit IT industry. It is very important to understand
The Difference that exists Between Google Penguin vs. Unnatural Links
The SEO space has suddenly risen up, especially since the Google Webmaster guidelines voiced unnatural links to be against its policies. As these incentive driven links were strictly opposed by John Mueller as PageRank passing links, the current SEO space is in the process of resolving the confusion which lies in distinguishing an Google Penguin update from Unnatural links so opposed by the Google authorities. In fact, in my opinion,