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About The Author

Myself Robin Gupta Director @ robingupta.comm, A leading seo services provider company. robingupta.comm was founded in 2007 with a vision of providing a comprehensive & well balanced Services, We have more than 350+ clients and still counting. We have helped thousands of websites into gaining their true potential. Our clients include many top companies from US, UK, Australia, Canada, Germany, Italy and Many European Countries. Currently we owns more than 1500 Websites.

- Robin Gupta


$350 WordPress Website


Oct 201208

Pinterest can help in the successful promotion of business

Adding to the social networking sites, there comes Pinterest, another site, but with a difference. Pinterest is not just a social networking site, but assists in promoting business as well. Pinterest may be said to be an online pinning board that enables attaching or ‘pinning’ images and other things that you wish to share. You can thus get traffic from Pinterest.  Much like the other networking sites people can repin

Jun 201226

Pinterest: An emerging social network

In the age of social networking websites where some like facebook have revolutionized and even taken over many others, Pinterest is growing at the fastest rate for a social networking website. It is now at a record ten million plus users and is slated to grow even more. The growth is calculated at a staggering four hundred percent with people readily signing up to the motive of joining to this