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Myself Robin Gupta Director @ robingupta.comm, A leading seo services provider company. robingupta.comm was founded in 2007 with a vision of providing a comprehensive & well balanced Services, We have more than 350+ clients and still counting. We have helped thousands of websites into gaining their true potential. Our clients include many top companies from US, UK, Australia, Canada, Germany, Italy and Many European Countries. Currently we owns more than 1500 Websites.
- Robin GuptaSEO Services
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Press Release
Comprehensive Guide to Building Quality Links to Withstand Google’s Panda and Penguin Updates
Google has become more stringent on the web owners about ranking the websites. It has come up with various updates on improving the quality. The major effective updates are panda and penguin. While Panda puts more emphasis on the quality of content, Penguin has given an alert to the web owners who used a lot of links to get traffic on their sites and the low quality links are considered
The best way to get traffic – Link Building
The more you build links the more page rank & traffic you can get. This is how every SEO company and the result of their efforts comes after every 3 months when Google declares PR (Page Rank) for every website. This is how they receive their failure or success report. The only use of link building is only ranking of a website but this is not true. You can get
The 5 mistakes in press release that you make often
It’s not as easy to write a press release. Now this can be because of format problems or other problems which will make all you efforts nil. Editors, reporters get many press releases per day and they do not have time to read all of them. They do read all of them but not fully. They just read the first paragraph and make out the quality in the rest of
Press Release- An effective way to spread a word
You might know what media can do for you and your business. It does not matter even if you run a business through a website. It is not necessary to have a physical shop or big company to run a business or get publicity. Media has the capability to spread even a word and they can get compete boost in your business. They add stars and authority factor to your
Best way to write a press release for optimization
Press release is also called as news release which is used since many years to report the media, editors and many related persons about the news. Many reporters who will come across your press release will scan it after reading the first paragraph. This is because they daily get many press releases from other webmasters as well. The editors will easily make out what is the quality of the press