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Myself Robin Gupta Director @ robingupta.comm, A leading seo services provider company. robingupta.comm was founded in 2007 with a vision of providing a comprehensive & well balanced Services, We have more than 350+ clients and still counting. We have helped thousands of websites into gaining their true potential. Our clients include many top companies from US, UK, Australia, Canada, Germany, Italy and Many European Countries. Currently we owns more than 1500 Websites.

- Robin Gupta


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How to Organize your seo team – Steps for Successful SEO Management

Posted In SEO,Seo Guide,Seo Tips

Posted By Robin Gupta

Posted On July 4, 2012

How to Organize your seo team – Steps for Successful SEO Management

Companies are now beginning to realize how very important a good search engine rank is after all. In attempts to stay on the top when it comes to SEO rankings, firms are now seeking professional assistance on the same. Management has two options to choose from, either train your staff in to SEO professionals, give a contract to an SEO agency or just hire a thorough SEO professional in house.

However before any such step is taken, there has to be a clarity on the base, the sole function and attributes of SEO must be known in order to take a winning decision. A team of SEO professionals would normally follow the following dimensions.

Project Management –

More like a project leader, who would be responsible for setting goals and meeting objectives while guiding the others on-board.

Technical SEO and data analysis –

Data analysis in SEO is in the form of the keyword research, goal evaluation and the traffic measurement. A clear conclusion should be sought out of the reports on the SEO created.

Creator of Content –

The content has to be updated on a regular basis to maintain a good ranking, info graphics, images etc. have to be updated and very catchy. Thus a team of creative minds would suit the purpose.

Link building –

The back links play a very important role in your websites rankings. At least one person in the SEO team must pursue this link building opportunity and also implore back links.

Web development –

It is not just the back links that are important in SEO but also the other aspects like internal linking, navigation as well as content indexing. Only a true professional can help your site meet the SEO standards.

Getting the right skills set

It all depends upon the size and type of your company. You might already be having bright SEO professionals that just need a brush up training. An IT firm would find absolutely no trouble in organizing their team in place. If you have a small organization and no ready SEO professional you can arrange for a short course for their training purpose. Understanding each employee’s skill set and merging it with the SEO process can be a winning combination.

There are several online tools that are available for your assistance as well. One such tool is SEOMoz and the SEOBook. Through such sites you get an online training as well as tutorial course that your employees can part take in so as to gain SEO understanding.

It is a lot cheaper to have your employees trained rather than hire a professional or a consultant. The complex and ever changing SEO practices needs a lot of professionalism to grasp. Training is one way to ensure that your employees are ready to take on this challenging task.

Hiring an SEO consultant

If at all training is not on your agenda and you have to seek professional services then you can hire an SEO specialist. This way your campaign gets kick started in no time with every aspect being up to date. Hiring an SEO consultant is way too cheaper than hiring a new employee. You are not responsible for their pay roll as they charge professional fees per project that they undertake. Most of them bill per project basis and do not charge per hourly basis. The average range of the same is anywhere from $1000 to $7500. Thus, a campaign can run successfully in the most reasonable time frame, with cost efficiencies by just hiring an SEO consultant and not a new employee.

Hiring an SEO team

If at all you have a very extensive SEO need then it would be costly to have the SEO expert called in every now and then. If you can anticipate the need of your SEO projects then hiring a full time or part time team can bring in cost efficiencies, depending upon the needs that you have anticipated. Since they will be dedicated to the SEO tasks, you are also assured efficiency in performance.

The in house SEO’s on an average earn from $45,000 to $100,000 per annum subject to their roles performed, experience and criticality of the project. You can search for such prospective SEO employees on sites like SEO Jobs finder, SEO Jobs and of course the SEO Consultant Directory.

This way if you can truly anticipate your SEO needs then it is a wise option to hire external help.  This would bring in the time, performance and cost efficiencies.


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