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Myself Robin Gupta Director @ robingupta.comm, A leading seo services provider company. robingupta.comm was founded in 2007 with a vision of providing a comprehensive & well balanced Services, We have more than 350+ clients and still counting. We have helped thousands of websites into gaining their true potential. Our clients include many top companies from US, UK, Australia, Canada, Germany, Italy and Many European Countries. Currently we owns more than 1500 Websites.

- Robin Gupta


$350 WordPress Website

Aug 201210

Understanding the link building after Google’s penguin update – Naked Url?

Many web owners have faced a lot of issues due to the penguin update of Google. If you are one of them and looking for the best answer then you have to do a complete research. The webmasters have stopped participating in the blog networks and gotten rid of keywords stuffing on the content on the site after this update has hit IT industry. It is very important to understand

Aug 201210

The SEO benefits of Guest Posting Service on low PR sites

We all are aware of the fact that guest posting has become one of the most beneficial marketing techniques. The web owners attain back links using this technique and make their site more visible. When you are planning guest posting for the links, you must place them within the content as it gives more visibility to the business and the products. Why to choose low PR sites The SEO experts

Aug 201209

How to Find the correct PPC Niche and make profits

If you have a website and want it to use for making profits, you must know how to attract the right people. This is one of the most important aspects of online marketing. It has been noticed that PPC (Pay per Click) is the best way to increase the number of people in short duration. However, before you consider this marketing technique, you should know how you can find the

Aug 201206

How Blogging Influences And Benefits SEO Efforts

Having our own blog is a sure shot way of capitalizing on the benefits of search engine optimization techniques. Many businesses and companies have identified this opportunity and are coming up with blog sections for their website. Some of the best SEO benefits achieved from a blog are as follows. Regular Content Update to Attract Attention Search engines like Google value sites with regularly updated content more than sites that

Aug 201204

5 Latest SEO Industry Updates Affecting Your Business

As the biggest search engine company in the world, Google has influence. Changes in its search strategies majorly influence the Search-Engine-Optimization industry. While everyone is affected, only those who are responsible for tweaking sites and content to reach consumers have to roll up their sleeves and get to work. The following are the latest alterations happening in the SEO world that every online business should know. Social plus search The

Aug 201203

How to do effective SEO for your videos for YouTube

YouTube is one of the most popular video sharing and streaming websites. A lot of users have been using this platform for marketing their products& services and business. Because of its effectiveness, YouTube has become an integral part of video optimization. You must do the SEO for your videos so that they appear on the top searches of this website. Below mentioned are some of the tips which can be

Aug 201201

3 breakthroughs that have made SEO move to the next level

The onset of mobile SEO The use of the mobile devices is growing rampantly. You can now be able to carry out almost all the things that are necessary in the office using the phone. This is especially true for the online applications and transactions where there are mobile sites for this very purpose. Some of the SEO developments with regard to mobile devices are: 1) You can now hand-write

Jul 201221

Best Practices to be implemented for creating optimal Local Search Experiences

It is pertinent for every website developer today to define and distinguish accurate business points for the website by filtering data noise, so as to render better local search results and other mapping features for social sites, mobile apps, and local directories. This has become even more significant in today’s arena where competing streams of data sources exist. Moreover, creating an engaging user experience by making the user identify the

Jul 201219

Habits that every SEO professional must retain for promoting efficiency

There are certain key ingredients that every SEO expert must retain for practicing them on habitual and day-to-day basis. So as to say, the SEO expert must be armed with certain habits for promoting efficiency and effectiveness in carrying of all the activities pertaining to issues involving the SEO. First, an SEO expert must be proactive. As such, he must satisfy the user experience with quality or resourceful content, being

Jul 201218

Strategic Vs. Tactical SEO Audits

Performing an audit for your client’s website should implement both the avenues of SEO – strategic as well as tactical. Audits are essentially recommendations and findings you perform form your client’s betterment in operating his web endeavors. Churning out thousands of pages of inputs would not necessarily do any good to your client’s understanding. Instead, if an SEO expert bifurcates strategic inputs from those which he believes to be tactical,