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Myself Robin Gupta Director @ robingupta.comm, A leading seo services provider company. robingupta.comm was founded in 2007 with a vision of providing a comprehensive & well balanced Services, We have more than 350+ clients and still counting. We have helped thousands of websites into gaining their true potential. Our clients include many top companies from US, UK, Australia, Canada, Germany, Italy and Many European Countries. Currently we owns more than 1500 Websites.

- Robin Gupta


$350 WordPress Website

Jul 201211

What Is Your SEO Strategic Move?

Strategic decision making should be channelized in such manner so as to render satisfying search engine optimization recommendations across all the websites. However, the scenario pertaining to recommending search engine optimization differs from website to website. Hence, the question to ponder is whether this sort of recommendation could be termed as strategic? The content of this article is to depict as to how SEO knowledge can be combined with CMS

Jul 201210

Google Shopping Placement – Seo Love

Google seems to be in the mood of revamping its Google Shopping results display, and the good news is that this measure undertaken by Google is welcomed by SEOs. In the process of modifying its shopping display, Google has switched to a paid model and also been trying several user interfaces as testing grounds. The bad news for the merchants of Google shopping is that they would not be getting

Jul 201209

Google Comes Out with SEO Strategy for Mobile Content

It is good to see Google come out with certain mobile friendly SEO recommendations absolutely free. In my opinion, it is an apt mobile strategy portrayed by Google, making it look more user friendly. Also, it is a good deviation from the stringent Google Webmaster Guidelines, for which the company had come in limelight lately. With its Mobile strategy, it promises to serve Mobile content in 3 unique ways. Serving

Jul 201204

How to Organize your seo team – Steps for Successful SEO Management

Companies are now beginning to realize how very important a good search engine rank is after all. In attempts to stay on the top when it comes to SEO rankings, firms are now seeking professional assistance on the same. Management has two options to choose from, either train your staff in to SEO professionals, give a contract to an SEO agency or just hire a thorough SEO professional in house.

Jul 201203

Bing Launches Disavow Links Tool Before Google

Bing has finally launched disavowing links, much after its being discussed for several years and coincidentally after Google had put its recent focus on links into spotlight. Google’s Matt Cutts admitted that disavowing links are certainly something they would be looking into for making it available in the months to come. In the recent past, Google’s webmaster guidelines pertaining to unnatural links have gradually been revamped into something more stringent,

Jul 201202

Why Small Businesses Shouldn’t Be Afraid of Google+ Local

With Google+ Local supposedly said to be transforming the face of SEO methodologies and website visibility attributes, the issue as to whether the small businesses will equally benefit from the same, should be pondered upon. It is said that Google+ circles will require a more articulate interactive skills with its target segments, to bring out the effectiveness. However, many of the small businesses have employees who are still new to

Jun 201230

Questions To Ask Your B2B SEO Expert

Most of the businesses today are benefiting from hiring SEO experts to achieve business goals and marketing objectives of their organization. However, the business managers do have to keep tab on the workings of the SEO experts, so as to ensure that their workings are much in line with the company business objectives. In order to do the same, every business manager ought to keep three questions in mind. One,

Jun 201229

The Difference that exists Between Google Penguin vs. Unnatural Links

The SEO space has suddenly risen up, especially since the Google Webmaster guidelines voiced unnatural links to be against its policies. As these incentive driven links were strictly opposed by John Mueller as PageRank passing links, the current SEO space is in the process of resolving the confusion which lies in distinguishing an Google Penguin update from Unnatural links so opposed by the Google authorities.  In fact, in my opinion,

Jun 201227

Link Incentives – Not the way to go with Google’s webmaster guidelines

More recently, a Google Webmaster help thread depicted a message from John Mueller clarifying your most pertinent doubt on Google’s webmaster guideline pertaining to linking your site. As such, Google’s John Mueller has clarified that linking your site through offering of an incentive, and in exchange for unlocking features will go against Google’s webmaster guidelines. When asked whether a site owner can provide its users an ‘upgraded listings’, which also

Jun 201226

Pinterest: An emerging social network

In the age of social networking websites where some like facebook have revolutionized and even taken over many others, Pinterest is growing at the fastest rate for a social networking website. It is now at a record ten million plus users and is slated to grow even more. The growth is calculated at a staggering four hundred percent with people readily signing up to the motive of joining to this