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Myself Robin Gupta Director @ robingupta.comm, A leading seo services provider company. robingupta.comm was founded in 2007 with a vision of providing a comprehensive & well balanced Services, We have more than 350+ clients and still counting. We have helped thousands of websites into gaining their true potential. Our clients include many top companies from US, UK, Australia, Canada, Germany, Italy and Many European Countries. Currently we owns more than 1500 Websites.

- Robin Gupta


$350 WordPress Website

Jun 201209

Google opens its program of Trusted Stores Seal to all Merchants in the U.S. For Free

Since October 2011, Google has been subjecting its program of Trusted Stores seal to tests. Presently, they are opening the program to all merchants in the U.S. and it has a sign-up interface that is self service. Participating merchants will get a “Trusted Stores” badge and it will open to provide details about the shipping as well as customer service record. The badge appears by the side of the AdWords

Jun 201207

Smartphone Optimized Websites – Mobile SEO Trends

Smartphones are a revolution in the modern communication era in which you could access pretty much all the information on websites effectively on your mobile phone to carry out all the tasks the website is capable of. Google being such an important medium for searching content online there is a need for the content to be well adapted to the Google search engine. The websites are being smart phone optimized

Jun 201207

Google Introduces Flight Search for Canadian Airports

I can still remember my father taking us to an open area next to the runway of P. E. Trudeau airport in Montreal. We were watching the passengers ending up their journeys and disembarking at the airport while sitting on the hood of the car my father owned. We saw something special on the faces of those who were embarking on their journeys and those who were disembarking after finishing

Jun 201206

Domain Verification Made Easier – Google Webmaster Tools

On 4th June Google announced a new initiative that allows easier domain verification which is necessary to obtain certain services provided by them such as Google Apps and Webmaster Tools. Before educating you on what is on offer, let us have a look at the background that made Google to offer this new facility. When you need to use certain services provided Google it is necessary for you to verify

Jun 201205

The new feature in Google Translator

The first Translation plug-in was launched in September 2009 by Google itself. Ever since, there have been various other sites following its footsteps and having that plug in on their sites as well. Google is going on improvising their services when it comes to the translation, unless and until some Artificial Intelligence is created, you would still find certain drawbacks in the translated page. Thus, Google is launching a new

Jun 201204

E-commerce Techniques – The SEO Way

It is the aim of every Search Engine Optimizer to come up with some unique and new techniques to improve the listings, rankings and traffic to a website eventually increasing the sales as well. Let us go through some new ways to do the same. Product Pages When you have to determine a particular websites success you would directly check it based on the number of sale items available on

Jun 201202

Uses of Google+ Local – Google Places Is Now Google+ Local

Outings are always better when they are spontaneous; they are much more fun rather than a preplanned one. Let’s say someday you have a very strong craving for prawns, where do you head to? Whom do you ask for suggestions? You would consult your family members or probably your friends. It is in the end the word from your loved and trusted ones that you would go by as recommendation.

Jun 201201

What you must know about the Paid search agencies

Many businesses hire the paid search agencies t carry out their online marketing needs. However, it must be noted that these agencies are not all that good while there are some that are true value for your money, there are the others that just rip you off in the form of fees and do not really deliver anything promised. Let us check the below mentioned criterion to get a better

May 201231

Enhancing the Pay per Click activities in digital marketing

The pay per click is always a fancy option when you think about digital marketing. However, not many people use it the right way. Many a times the PPC in investments just go in vain as they do not give the desired results. What’s worse is that many business owners seem to be ok with it. People fail to realize that it is not about just starting the campaign and

May 201229

Transparency of Copyright Removals on Google Search

Google believes that being transparent is of utmost importance for internet’s future. When the free flow of information is disturbed through any barrier, there should be transparency around it to find what it is. In accordance with this, they have launched their transparency report two years ago indicating the kind of information that are accessible on services provided by Google the world over. At the start, the information shared were