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About The Author

Myself Robin Gupta Director @ robingupta.comm, A leading seo services provider company. robingupta.comm was founded in 2007 with a vision of providing a comprehensive & well balanced Services, We have more than 350+ clients and still counting. We have helped thousands of websites into gaining their true potential. Our clients include many top companies from US, UK, Australia, Canada, Germany, Italy and Many European Countries. Currently we owns more than 1500 Websites.

- Robin Gupta


$350 WordPress Website

May 201228

Fighting Scam Ads that Appear in Their Numbers

Fighting scam ads has become a priority and a difficult issue for Google. Just one ad beating their defenses and appearing in their sites or in any of their partner sites is treated as a big flaw by them. Due to this reason, they take a lot of pain to improve their ability to prevent such ads from appearing in their sites. However, every year billions of ads are submitted

Jan 201210

Link Building Services Company

Link building is considered one of the most integral and important part of search engine optimization. Link building has a number of advantages. It helps your site in getting a higher PageRank, a better position in the search engine rankings, more traffic to your site and more hits to your site. However link building, be it one way linking or a reciprocal link exchange, is a tedious process involving a

Jan 201210

Link Building Companies Can Make The Difference To Your Business

The market is brimming with so many link building companies that it has become difficult to recognize which one of these would offer quality service and which ones won’t. It is of course important to hire a professional and high quality company for your website to take it to the top of the search engine ranking. For those of you who are wondering why you have to hire a link

Jan 201210

How To Make Web Design And Development Increase Your Revenue?

In today’s world, it is not just enough to have a website but you should also be able to generate good revenue from it with effectively. To achieve this consistently, you need to have a good web design and development strategy. Plan The first and foremost thing you need to do while setting up a website is to understand the pulse of the customers and their behavior, choice etc. Make

Jan 201210

How To Choose Affordable link building services

Once you set out to find a link building service for your website, you will find that the market is full of companies offering affordable link building services. You may get confused as to which one to opt for as all of them promise for high quality work with an assurance of top ratings for the site with their services.   Before deciding upon affordable link building services you must

Jan 201210

How Can Contextual link building Help Your Business?

The concept of contextual link building is a relatively new one. It is a technique of link building in which you can have back links in the content. In this technique, the visitor will read through the link before getting the information on which they are searching. It adds value to the content your visitors would be reading which increases traffic.   There are many instances where you can use

Jan 201210

Complete Link Building Solutions

If you are serious about your site ranking high in the search engines and getting good visibility, then complete link building solution is a good process. High quality link building is part of search engine optimization which increases the link popularity, the page rank and thus the position and performance of your site.   A complete link building program consists of a couple of processes. One way linking or non-reciprocal

Jan 201129

Its time to say bye bye to PayPal India

If you are an Online Marketer / Freelancer / SEO Provider / Web Developer / Export Seller from India using Paypal as your Payment Gateway, You probably have received the short Love Letter from Paypal regarding the new policy change effective from 1st March 2011. For those who haven’t received it Here is link: So what is the big Fuzz About: 1. Paypal balance cannot be used to purchase

Jan 201126

MySelf Interview at JohnChow.Com

Hi Friends, Wish You All A Very Happy Republic Day!!! It has been a Great Day in My Life today… I have got my Interview Published today at !!! Yes the Internet DOT COM Moghul . A Rush of Blood is flowing across my body with the excitement of getting my interview published on his website. John is a Wonderful Guy. i am amazed with the simplicity of this man

Jan 201111

Beginner’s guide – Benefits of have an HTML 5 website

HTML 5 is everywhere. There is a lot of talk about how great it is and how it is going to revolutionize the web. But, why do you want your web developer to use HTML 5? What are the benefits to you? Semantics The biggest single benefit comes in the form of semantics. Google and other search engines do not index the id tags of elements. ( ID tags are