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Myself Robin Gupta Director @ robingupta.comm, A leading seo services provider company. robingupta.comm was founded in 2007 with a vision of providing a comprehensive & well balanced Services, We have more than 350+ clients and still counting. We have helped thousands of websites into gaining their true potential. Our clients include many top companies from US, UK, Australia, Canada, Germany, Italy and Many European Countries. Currently we owns more than 1500 Websites.
- Robin GuptaSEO Services
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$350 WordPress Website
5 Steps to find a good Web Design Company
Looking for the Best Web Design Company is always a troublesome task and one is always confused on what factors he /she should consider while selecting the Web Design company for their project. You can follow the following steps to select the Company as per your needs. 1: Pre Compile Your Requirements Before hand: When you are looking for the web designer, you should have a proper planning of what
Getting ROI (Return on Investment) after SEO
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Avoid these mistakes when you hire a Web Designer
It is human nature to always look for cheapest services available in any field whenever required. Web Design and Development is not spared from this nature too. Whenever we are looking to start a new website our first step will be to look for the cheapest web designer available. If a person has a fair designing knowledge he would try to design his website on his own, however if one
New search index Caffein stimulates Web searches, outperforms Bing, Yahoo
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Monitoring Search Engine Positions of Websites with Advanced Web Ranking Software
According to surveys, 40% to 80% of visitors to a website come through the search engines. Therefore, it goes without saying that the rank of a website in the search engines can make or break a business. A site is a virtual showcase that is used to market the offers of a business. Running any business without a website is almost incomprehensible today. As a result, webmasters are concerned about
The chronicles of an SEO/SEM Agency
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Social Media Influence
Over the past, we have witnessed the fact of how social media influences a consumer’s behavior. Today consumers are moving to cyberspace sources for information hunting at the stage of decision making. This establishes the fact that the influencers have a significant and substantial impact on the consumer’s choice and behavior without having any actual contact with the consumers that they influence. Through the channels of social media, a marketer
How to Reward Your Search Employees
The desires, the wants that never stop increasing, the absurd tempo of everyday life and the youthful nature of most of the people in our industry, are few of the many things that chip in to the advanced management enigma. And so it’s no question that we the digital pros suffer from and witness work-related attention deficit disorder all the time. What’s causing this change in all of us? Modern
Reasons to invest in branded terms
“Why should I continue to money up on my brand terms? I’m already well ranked organically! “– The million dollar question asked by several people, several times. The answer to this is quite simple and indeed can save you from losing big bucks. Protect your space – In May 2009, change in Google’s trademark gave way to the policy of bidding on one’s branded terms. Many competitors/resellers have already bid,
SEO- Should You Outsource or Have a Dedicated Team Inhouse
With the ever increasing Websites and Businesses launching online, SEO for your company or services have become one of the top most priority in this E-World. When the decision for the SEO is to be made there has been a long debate on the opinions whether the SEO should be done In House by a dedicated staff or should be outsourced to the professionals. There are certainly advantages of getting