Many web owners have faced a lot of issues due to the penguin update of Google. If you are one of them and looking for the best answer then you have to do a complete research. The webmasters have stopped participating in the blog networks and gotten rid of keywords stuffing on the content on the site after this update has hit IT industry. It is very important to understand what a penguin update algorithm is all about:
Google Penguin
The Google penguin algorithm takes into account the inbound link profile. Prior to this update, the inbound links were good enough for the ranking purpose. However, the trend has changed after this update. Now, in this algorithm, the inbound link profiles are changed into four categories mainly and they are elaborated as below:
Naked URLs-
They are treated as the high quality URLs and the best way to naturally linking in the link building process. Most of the times, it is a URL of the home page or it can also be a URL to internal pages. Examples Like – robingupta.comm, http://www.robingupta.comm, www.robingupta.comm, http://robingupta.comm
Brand Anchors-
This type of anchor text can be represented by altering the name of the brand. Even if you make a small alteration such as capitalization in the words, it would be noticed by the major search engines. Examples Like – Robin Gupta, RobinGupta, Robin Gupta Blog
Brand keyword hybrid anchors-
A LSI keyword is the perfect example of this type of anchor text. The variations in the anchor text can be done by adding the fancy keyword. However, this keyword is the relevant to the brand of the company and matches well with the brand name. Examples Like – Robin Gupta Seo, Robin Gupta Seo Services, RobinGupta Seo, Link Building With Robin Gupta
Universal or Junk anchors-
These anchor texts are the universal keywords placed on the websites such as ‘Click Here’, ‘Visit this link’. Such links are called the universal anchor texts or the junk anchors because they made less sense to the SEO specialists.
If you are going to employ link building on your website for SEO purposes, it is highly recommended to choose one of the above mentioned anchor texts and make sure to implement the highest quality of SEO. It has also been noticed that the SEO experts have to update their marketing techniques because the old ones may die soon.
Google has been known as the major search engine and if you are looking for the best visitors, sales and more leads to your business, you have to be in accordance to its latest algorithms.
About Robin GuptaMyself Robin Gupta Director @ robingupta.comm, A leading seo services provider company. robingupta.comm was founded in 2007 with a vision of providing a comprehensive & well balanced Services, We have more than 350+ clients and still counting. We have helped thousands of websites into gaining their true potential. Our clients include many top companies from US, UK, Australia, Canada, Germany, Italy and Many European Countries. Currently we owns more than 1500 Websites.