Forum Posting Service

Forum Posting Service

Through our forum posting service, we deliver your link to various forums. This service gets you loads of one-way links along with a considerable amount of traffic.Forums are one of the best inventions on internet. Never was there a platform where people of all ages, nationalities, gender, or religion can come and express their thoughts on any topic under the sun, before forums. But they are not just about discussions and freedom of speck. They can also be used for web promotion.

With our Forum Posting Service, you can use this great platform to create one-way links for your website. Similar to Blog Commenting, Forum Posting is also an indirect (behind the curtain) method of link building as a link is submitted along with a relevant response to posts in forums. Forum posting is an extremely effective way of link building and is also a great source of free and permanent theme based one-way links.

At, we provide relevant and comprehensive forum posting service that will not only bring you loads of targeted traffic, but will also create your website’s reputation among your targeted audience. We write and post replies and start new threads in forums to draw audience and provide links of your website either within the post or below the post as a ‘Signature.’

But not any kind of forum post can be an effective link building tool. Following are some basics of a good forum post:

  • Relevant Postings: Posting the links in forums which are relevant to your website is essential. This is an important step in any successful forum posting and this is what makes all the difference. If we post links of a website on a forum that has nothing to do with the products, or services its offering, the link won’t get the desired response. Plus, it might get deleted by the moderators on account of being ‘irrelevant’. Thus, relevant posting is extremely important.
  • Interactive Postings: Most good forums are moderated and they realize if a post has been made only for link building. Thus, posts must be interactive and responsive to other members. Such posts are encouraged by most forums and thus, ensure a permanent one-way link.
  • Best forums: Postings should only be done in active and busy forums, which have a lot of traffic. Before making any posts, a thorough check of the forum s needed, to make sure that they are worth posting link.
  • Good and Accurate Writing: Nothing can kill a forum post like bad English and wrong facts. A forum post should be 100% true and accurate, to make sure that the readers take us seriously. Tall promises or being highly favorable towards the company for which the link building is being done, is extremely unproductive.

Besides these features, we can adapt and change our work style according to your requirements. At RobinGupta.Com, our main motive is to ensure your satisfaction.

Following are some of the main features of our Forum Posting services:

  • Accuracy
  • Well researched posting
  • Relevant postings
  • Genuine writing to ensure 100% approval rate
  • Experienced writers who will have knowledge about your industry, theme or subject.
  • We will create different accounts for every forum
  • We also provide deep linking (using links of the pages other than home page)
  • Completely one-way links
  • Anchor Text links in Signature Advertising
  • Round the clock customer support
  • All posts will be made with content taken from relevant web sources..

Our forum posting service will help your website in the following ways:

  • More Traffic
  • Better Page Ranking
  • Brand Popularity
  • Increase in profits
  • Letter reputation of website
  • Link Popularity

Forum Posting Service is one of the best ways to communicate your target audience and urging them to visit your website. The best part about this tool is that it doesn’t sound like ‘hard selling’ and the readers feel more connected to them. Most consumers will tell you that they prefer to listen to recommendation of a fellow consumer, instead of and advice coming from an advertisement.

Our forum postings will be done in a way that the readers feel motivated to try out your products and services, without being bogged down by tall promises or expensive advertisements. has hired a number of talented writers who can create exceptional posts, which not only help you get more one-way links, but also popularize your products and services.

Available Forums Posting Packages:-

Forums Posting – 10 Forums Posting – 25 Forums Posting – 50 Forums Posting – 100
No. of Forums
10 25 50 100
No of Threads
50 125 250 500
No. of Posts
150 375 725 1500
Total No. of Posts & Threads 200 500 1000 2000
Total No. of Back links 200 500 1000 2000
No. of Allowed Anchor Texts 5 10 20 40
Turnaround Time (Maximum) 12 Days 20 Days 30 Days 45 Days
Each Time New Account will be created in forums for
client site & after completion of project all login details will be provided…
Package Cost (USD) $110 $275 $550 $1000
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After Payment Please send us below mentioned details on our Email- [email protected]
  • Anchor Text- Which you want to use as forums signature.
  • WebSite URL – Url which you want to point on your targeted Anchor text.
  • Categories:- Main category & two alternative categories.
  • Your Email:- Email where we will send completion report
  • Your Paypal Email:- From which you sent payment
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