The pay per click is always a fancy option when you think about digital marketing. However, not many people use it the right way. Many a times the PPC in investments just go in vain as they do not give the desired results. What’s worse is that many business owners seem to be ok with it. People fail to realize that it is not about just starting the campaign and leaving it to fate. You can very well direct the success of the campaign to work to your favor. All you would, as a business owner need to do is monitor the performance of the PPC campaign, find out and analyze what is missing and why the lag, reason out the current ROI and the changes necessary to be make to get the desired effect.
When launching a PPC campaign bear in mind –
Know Your Customer; this is the basic fundamental point that should act as a base to all your marketing activities. If you market to the mass audience, it is a waste of time. The beauty about digital marketing is that you can reach your target audience directly, so why not? DO a research on the kind of target audience you would want to reach and carry out your PPC campaign only on related sites.
Optimization of keywords
Make use of the search engine optimization guidelines as that is the bridge wherein your PPC campaign can reach the target audience.
Pull the customers
The customers need a reason to come back to your website, you need to hence incentivize them to do so. Put in some attractive deals or offers or contests on your page so that they are motivated to come back and visit your page thus meeting your requirements.
Right choice of words
It is about choosing the right kind of words and not just flowery language. If there are certain negative keywords you have to use, then go ahead and do so. This way, your online ad would also stand out from the rest and hence make an impact.
Right time
Your research should be extensive enough to know the perfect time slot for your online marketing activities. You would need to include such relevant data in your metrics so as to target your audience in a better way.
Good quality score
It is the quality score which you have by which Google determines whether or not your landing pages and the advertisements on it are connected to the users search or not. If you have a good quality score it is much cheaper to trigger advertisements that are focused towards that particular keyword. This gives the ad much better visibility.
Tracking the progress
Do not just sit back and let the campaign take its own course of action. You need to regularly monitor the performance of your PPC campaign. You can start by a series of test ads at the same time but one at a time. Your subsequent research should give you the response of each of such ads. If you want to compile the found data in order to determine the return on investment then you can link the PPC account with Google’s Analytics program. This will give information on which of the ads on test have actually brought in visitors to the landing page and which of them converted the same to a sale.
Thus, if the PPC campaigns are more focused upon they can surely contribute to a large extent to the entire online marketing campaign of any business.
About Robin GuptaMyself Robin Gupta Director @ robingupta.comm, A leading seo services provider company. robingupta.comm was founded in 2007 with a vision of providing a comprehensive & well balanced Services, We have more than 350+ clients and still counting. We have helped thousands of websites into gaining their true potential. Our clients include many top companies from US, UK, Australia, Canada, Germany, Italy and Many European Countries. Currently we owns more than 1500 Websites.